Thursday, July 7, 2011

Swinging High

In Portland, the sun shines warm and bright for only a few months in a year which puts a lot of pressure on moms! In order to make most of the scarce sunshine, we try to engage our little ones in every possible outdoor activity! After over eight months of rainy weather, its takes a while to get used to the scorching sun! Phew! ..…Summers are a busy season for moms who drive their kids from parks to playgrounds to swimming pools to summer camps to backyard play dates to even farmers’ markets and fairs! When finally home, we feel drained and dehydrated, and I’m not talking about the kids!:-)
Going to the park is mostly a summertime activity, and whenever we’re at the park, Abhay always wants to swing and swing higher and higher. Imagine my delight when I found a book titled “Higher Higher” by Leslie Patricelli in which a little girl is on a swing that her father pushes higher and higher making her go up, up and away into a her own flight of fantasy – first scaling a giraffe, then swinging to the top of a high rise building, then reaching the top of a mountain, then an airplane and then swinging above the earth when she meets a little alien also on a swing! As she swings back to the ground, guess what she says to her Dad? - "Again"! Hmmm....we've all been there swung that ...right?

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