
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Day out with dad!

Father's Day is meant not only to thank our own fathers but also to acknowledge the role of the fathers of our little ones! Though I have always been more than fair in giving dads their due on Onestoryaday, its not until now that I realised what it means for your children to have a "hands on" dad as opposed to mainly a "911" dad!      Right from changing diapers to understanding every nuance of their kids' actions and behaviour, today's dads are hand in hand with moms in every aspect of raising kids! While hands on daddies are a blessing for the mommies ... they are a joy for the kids! There's nothing like having both your parents wholly involved in your life... Be it homework, school, play, career and life choices or taking care of your kids....Just like I have my dad to thank for putting my little one to sleep as I write this blog:-) 


Ever since the birth of my second child, I have hardly had any time for Abhay, my older one and as he was in wanting of some serious pampering... What better occasion than this to have father and son spend time together! So Abhay and his daddy participated in a science workshop organised by Abhay's school as a "Father's Day " special program followed by a "boys only" outing all day long! So while it was the Father's Day weekend... It was the son getting pampered! So no wonder today's book is "My Dad, my Hero" by Ethan Long. A hilarious take on how a young boy feels about his dad. While conceding that his dad is not a super hero as he is seen stumbling over his building blocks, clumsily falling off while painting the walls, or fumbling with his razor and hurting himself and many such not-so-admirable things ...  in short a complete anti-thesis to a super hero figure. But there's one thing that he loves about his dad and that is the fact that he spends a lot of time with his son and ultimately according to the little boy .. that's what makes him his hero!! Rightly put, we may want to do all sorts of things  for our kids, but all they want us to do is to spend time with them. A nice little picture book with laugh out loud illustrations that makes an apt Father's Day read! Happy Father's Day to all the daddies! 

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