
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

This is our house!

Ever since we’ve joined the 30 books in 30 days Challenge promoted by friend and fellow blogger bubble ink, life has turned super hectic…but we are indeed loving it! Reading to Abhay anyway is an integral part of our night time routine but reading a book in line with day’s reading prompt has been a challenge! Either I would have already posted the book/books on the said subject (coz I have been writing about all or most of the books I’ve read in the last three years!) or would have recently returned what should have been an apt read for the day’s prompt or the ideal book has been checked out from the library (Hmm……looks like a lot of people are on the challenge!) When that happens, it is surprising that none of my recent buys come to the rescue! Well, this kind of reminds me of a similar situation when you have a wardrobe full of clothes and yet have nothing to wear! J

Today’s reading prompt on kindness and sharing on the occasion of Girls Scouts day was particularly difficult as I have already featured a few books on sharing, including a famous Elephant and Piggie book and I had almost given up my search when Voila! ....what are the chances that you’ll chance upon a gem just when you need it..right?  I was indeed lucky to have “This is Our House” by Michael Rosen and Bob Graham. This is a wonderful book that so subtly conveys the message of sharing that your little one will surely appreciate. A group of kids play house-house with a cardboard box but the play is cut short as the red-haired George usurps the box and announces that it is his house no one is allowed inside the house. As Lindy and Marly try to enter, George declares that the house isnt for girls. Thereafter everyone from little Freddie to Charlene-Marlene twins to the bespectacled Sophie try to force their way in, but George prevents their entry citing that the house is not for small people, nor for twins nor for people with glasses. As the simmering discontent grows stronger, Geroge who has been guarding his house for quite sometime now wants to go to the toilet. As he makes a quick dash to the toilet, the rest of the gang barge in and take possession of what George calls his house, leaving George ousted from his own house….as everyone jeers that “This house is not for people with red hair”! George realizes and then concedes that the house is for people with red hair, girls, small people, twins, people with glasses” ……and everyone joins in to say that “This is our house”! Phew! At last, a nice little book that makes a great read on value of caring and sharing! Now I have my fingers crossed for tomorrow’s reading prompt! J

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