
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy First Birthday!

One Story a day turns ONE today and just like we find it hard to believe how fast our babies grow up, I cant believe that it has been a year since I started blogging about my baby and the books I read to him. It only seems like yesterday when I, fascinated by the world of picture books, sat curled up in my couch on a chilly December afternoon in Portland, USA trying to recall the different picture books I had read to my four year old son. As I began to type out the names and the authors of the books, I realized that there was no point in creating a word document that seemed more like a catalogue, if not anything else. What I really meant to do was somehow find a way to preserve the memories associated with reading those books to Abhay, record his reactions, share them with friends and family and create a scrapbook of those wonderful moments we’ve had while reading them, a kind of time capsule that I can revisit anytime, anywhere, anyplace – and that’s how One story a day came about. It has been a wonderful ride all along, with my blog accompanying us on our travels, on various special occasions and staying on even after our recent move back to India.When I began last December, I wasn’t sure if I could keep up with reading one story a day, every day. As I reached the 100th post this April, I was thrilled to have done it…at least most of the time. But the major challenge was to keep it going even after I relocated to Bangalore…..and all thanks to the new age libraries in my hometown, we could continue our reading journey together. So One story a day, though now as One story every other day, is still going strong! Thanks to my family, friends and all my readers for their continued support and encouragement and most of all thank you to the protagonist of my blog– Abhay!
On the occasion of completion of first year, I invite all my readers to contribute to One Story a day - share yours and your little one's favorite books, books that made both of you laugh, cry, or that touched your hearts or your soul, books that though meant for your little one, taught you something, books that you and your child wanted to read over and over again, books that your child never forgets and you never forget the response it evokes ....books, books and more books! Share them with the world!

1 comment:

  1. Many congratulations Divya! Can’t believe it has been one year already. Keep up your awesome work. Though your blog was meant for your kid ,it did inspire many people.Generally one can assume that your target audience are young moms or dads who also have this habit of reading to their kids.Speaking for myself,for me reading your blog was nostalgia, it brought back some beautiful memories from my childhood. When I was a lil one,my dad read to me Ramayan comic series among many others which still has a positive influence on me.
