
Thursday, July 14, 2011

My side of the Car!

My father is an eternal optimist, my mother a pessimist, though in optimistic terms, she’d call herself a realist; I am a cusp. alternating between shades of optimism and moods of pessimism, depending on the time of day, my state of mind and my son's state of energy!:-).  My son is the practical one oscillating between feeling optimistic and pessimistic depending on what serves him the best! If he’s making out a case for himself, the cup is half full and if he’s asked to do something, the cup is half empty! He’s never too tired for park but always too sleepy for school work! Hmm.....A child's optimism calls for a parent's always!
Today I read a book a wonderful book titled “My side of the Car” by the daughter-father pair of Kate Feiffer and Jules Feiffer. Sadie has always wanted to go the zoo but something unexpected happens every time they decide to visit, forcing them to cancel out on their plans. Therefore Sadie is determined to make it happen this time when she and her father plan a trip to the zoo. As they set out in their car, it starts to rain……well at least on the father's side of the car. Sadie claims that her side of the car is nice and sunny with hardly any trace of rain. As the rain begins to pour hard on the car’s windows, her father asks Sadie if it is raining on her side yet to which she optimistically replies in the negative! So her father keeps driving and the rain does not let up, whereas Sadie’s looks out of her window to find a sprawling green lawn being watered ....on her side of the car! When her father’s side of the road, seems inundated, Sadie finds her side  all clean and clear. When they finally reach the zoo, Sadie gets out and walk over to her father's side to find the ground all wet and muddy. She then concedes that it is better to head back home and come back another day. But as soon as they turn around, her father discovers that the rain had stopped on his side of the car and inquires  if it is the same on Sadie's side of the car to which Sadie joyfully replies that it is!! Sadie's optimism after all found a way to the zoo! I dedicate this to my dad who's always found it bright and sunny on his side of the car...I hope his grandson does too!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Divya!
    Otimism keeps me going in adverse circumstances. Not that it bailed me out all the times, but one good thing about it is that it ensures a positive frame of mind necessary to persue tasks.
    Hope Abhay will draw inspiration from many of episodes of "ONE STORY A DAY" - your blog and becomes an optimist!
