
Friday, February 25, 2011

Snow is here

When your stay in the US is short term, there are many 'must-see' and 'must-do' experiences you wouldn’t want to miss before heading back. In my long list of ‘ "must-see n’ experience" still pending, I finally managed to get one more X-marked – witnessing snowfall. You may balk at me but please understand, it hardly snows here and I am acutely aware of how lucky I am esp. thinking of the recent snow storms in the East coast. That said, I sure wanted to see the falling snowflakes turning everything white! In Portland, it usually snows for a day or two during winters and when it does, the whole city shuts down! So you can imagine my delight this morning when I woke up to a two inch bed of snow neatly iced on our roads. So without waiting, we went down to play in snow. With everything turned white, the scenery outside felt like a calendar image for the winter months!

Aptly, today I read a book titled “Snow” by Uri Shulevitz. A little boy sees one snowflake in the air and cannot contain his excitement that it is snowing. But everyone else – his grandpa, the people outside, the TV weathermen are not hopeful of any snow accumulation. Unfazed, the boy is certain that one, two and few more snowflakes can only mean snow, snow and more snow! First the rooftops are covered and then eventually the whole city is covered in snow!

I only wish the same would have happened here!! With schools closed, Abhay and Abhay’s mommy were hoping to make a snowman. Though it was too much snow for a regular day, it was too little to make a snowman. Besides, the sun came out a little too soon and melted all the snow to make it seem as if it never snowed at all. Anyway, can’t complain as I still got to see the snowflakes fall and transform our apartment drive into a paradise draped in white!! Now….we can’t have everything …can we?!!:-)


  1. Djvya,
    By looking at photoes I ALSO ENJOYED the snowfall in Portland.I only wish I WOULD have been there.ACHHU may enjoy this experience after reading the story.

  2. hey Divya,you must have had an awesome experience.Your son looks soo happy.
