
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow delays!

If you are living in the US, there’s every chance you’re having snow showers right now! To people on the east coast, I cant even pretend to understand what you are going through as I have always lived along the west coast where it hardly snows. But this time round, we have also been affected by the blizzard-like conditions prevailing in most parts of the US. My husband who was supposed to have flown back yesterday couldn't, as his flight got canceled due to bad weather conditions.

Besides mine, I have to handle Abhay’s disappointment because of which he has lost all his ability to reason out. He wonders how his dad’s flight can be cancelled when there’s no snow around. As usual, I took him to the library and picked out a book called “The Snow day” by Komako Sakai . An ideal book to cuddle up with your little bunny when you’re all snowed in. In this book, the little bunny can’t believe his luck when he gets a day off his kindergarten due to heavy snow fall the previous night. But what seems like fun ends up in boredom as he’s stuck indoors all day and added to it, his dad’s flight is canceled. As he is about to give up any hope of playing in snow, it stops snowing and his mother lets him get out of the house to make snowballs and snow dumplings. Not bad for what would’ve been a snowed-in day and it brightens up even more when he learns that his daddy will be home the next day! Just as I finish reading this book, I get a call from my husband that his flight is being rescheduled!! Abhay loves the snow day!:-)

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