
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Little by Little!

Kids don’t understand the concept of gradual progression or in other words the idea of “little by little”!! Abhay is always full of questions like “Why cant I study in my grandma’s college instead of my school?” "Why cant you buy me all the engines from the Thomas series all at once?" "Why can’t today be Friday? " (Because that’s the day when his dad is back from travel)…..well… far as the last one is concerned ….cant blame him …we all wonder why today isn't Friday?:-)
Anyway, he doesn’t seem to comprehend the fact that he has to wait for a decade to study in his grandma’s college ( that too…being an all girls college…I doubt if he ever can!!!) or have the patience to wait for a while before he can boast of a complete Thomas and Friends collection or the endurance to go through five days without having his dad around!
While I went to library to pick up a book that was on hold for me, I chanced upon a book that deals with this question of questions! “A Little at a Time” by David Adler and illustrations by Paul Tong, is a wonderful book for any curious child. A boy visits the museum along with his grandpa asking him numerous questions as they pass by a construction site, a park, a busy street and finally as they go around the museum. Since it was a grandpa-grandson story….Abhay listened with rapt attention! The Grandpa in the book patiently explains how everything around us progresses little by little…..growth of a tree, construction of a high-rise structure, dirt and garbage on the road, putting together a fossil exhibit at the museum …….everything happens a little at a time. At the end, the grandpa also cautions how doing things a little at a time is much more effective that jumping at it all at once! It is striking to see the amount of patience that grandpa has as he encourages his grandson to ask more and more questions......I honestly dont have that much!! Well…..I guess ....patience too is developed ‘a little at a time’!:-)


  1. Div, well said and well written. However, given that you write so well, why use so many full stops between clauses? I understand the purpose, but "writing as you think" does not work everywhere. What say?

  2. You are right Sanu! 'Writing as you think' does not work everywhere, esp. when you're drafting a document or a formal letter/mail. Its a habit that I do need to get rid of. But when Im writing the blog, its more like an outlet for my free flowing thoughts. The use of full stops signify following the same thread or same line of thinking.....will work on your suggestion though.( Oops there I go again!)

  3. Divya,
    I like your one liner at the end of every story.

  4. These days people do not seem to believe in the wisdom of little by little or little at a time. Parents push children to act big or become experts before time, people want to become rich and famous before time. If only we learn looking at the "Nature" where things happen little by little.

  5. Well said ..appa! Sometimes,the books we read to our children also remind us of how to look at life !!

  6. Yeah, but I will give it you, you write really well. Every time I read a good book or write, I always wonder at the (at times) the brilliance with which people articulate.
