
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A cookie loop

Remember those days of chain letters? If you were lucky enough, you’d get a nice little postcard from the subsequent recipients in the chain that made you feel good. Initially….it was just for fun and a good incentive to get us to write as kids (which seems like a long time ago!!).Of course, then came those annoyingly superstitious religious- chain letters that were unbelievably lame……and technology made it worse…..send 10 sms…..or 10 emails and receive great news!!!! C’mon….you must be kidding me!!

Anyway, chain letters or chain songs are in themselves benign ……unless you attach any other sentiment to the same. Speaking of chain songs……I remember there was a fun chain song “There’s a hole in my bucket….Dear Lisa, Dear Lisa” …...first introduced to me by my mom…… a great song for journeys and long drives!! The song creates a loop which finally takes you to a place where you started in the first place. I found one such book which is really a part of “If you give….” Series by Laura Numeroff and illustrated by Felicia Bond. Today, I read the first in the series “If you give a mouse a cookie”. The other books are ‘If you give a moose a muffin’ and “If you give a pig a pancake”. ‘

If you give a mouse a cookie’ is a delightful tale on the consequences of giving a mouse a cookie to nibble on…..the chain of events leading back to the first one. Such havoc created by one simple cookie!!! I had Abhay guessing at every turn as to what the little mouse is up to after having the cookie!! Make sure to read this book after dinner/lunch…….as we all know what happens after you read this book to your little cookie monster!!!

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